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  • How to find helpful content in a sea of made-for-Google BS

How to find helpful content in a sea of made-for-Google BS

Seven actionable tips to help you find helpful content at a time when Google's search results are chock-full of spammy junk.

If you joined our newsletter after reading our article about how Google is killing independent sites like HouseFresh., then this email is for you.

Since September 2023, thousands of small web publishers like us have lost all visibility in Google search results.

Update after update, Google’s algorithm has sent their websites deeper and deeper into results pages while rewarding and prioritizing content from big media publications - even in cases where these publishers use AI to write their articles and have no expertise on the topics.

Within a few weeks of publishing our second article, we attended an hour-long video call with Google, in which we shared our process for creating content by and for humans.

Google Search engineers asked us the following question(s):

“What advice would you give to a user who is looking for reviews to distinguish between high- and low-quality content? How can a user tell if the reviewer actually tested the products, compared with other products, or if they are just trying to push users to buy bad sponsored products?”

You trust Google to show you good information, but Google doesn’t know the difference between good and bad information because algorithms and AI are pattern-seeking, probability-calculating machines that don’t actually know anything.

However, it is easy for people like us to spot bad information because we know our stuff. That is why we collaborated with 12 other independent web publishers to answer this question clearly and loudly.

Here are seven actionable tips to help you find helpful content in a sea of made-for-Google junk: https://housefresh.com/finding-helpful-content-in-an-enshittified-google/

It is a long article, but we tried to format it in a way that is easy to digest, so I hope you’ll read it till the end (but no hard feelings if you don’t).

Have a great day!



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